
Stress-Free Tax Relief Solutions

Tired of dealing with tax debt? Let our experienced professionals negotiate with the IRS on your behalf and provide you with peace of mind.

How it Works

Easy steps to Tax Relief

1. Initial Consultation

Discuss your tax issues with our experts to understand your situation and explore potential solutions.

2. Qualification Check

Find out if you qualify for various relief programs and get recommendations based on your situation.

3. Custom Solutions

Get solutions tailored to your needs, designed to minimize your tax debt and stress.

4. Resolution Execution

Achieve a favorable resolution with our expert help, ensuring your tax problems are effectively managed.

Work with our experts to achieve freedom from tax debt, starting with a confidential consultation to explore your options and solutions.

Discover the IOOGO Difference

Experienced Professionals

Our team includes some of the best Licensed Enrolled Agents in the field.

Customer Satisfaction

We are committed to outstanding service and have earned excellent reviews from our clients.

Commitment to Privacy

Your data is secure with us. We never sell or share your personal information.

Experience the difference with IOOGO and let our team of experts guide you to tax relief.

Comprehensive Tax Solutions

IOOGO Tax Relief offers comprehensive solutions for all your tax-related issues. Whether you’re dealing with personal or business tax debt, unfiled tax returns, or payroll tax problems, our experienced team is here to help you navigate the complexities and find the best resolution for your situation.

  • Personal Tax Debt
  • Business Tax Debt
  • Unfiled Tax Returns
  • Stop Wage Garnishment
  • IRS Penalties & Interest
  • Audit Defense
  • IRS Offer In Compromise
  • Installment Agreements
  • Innocent Spouse Relief
  • Penalty Abatement
  • Currently Not Collectible Status
  • State Tax Resolution
  • Federal Tax Resolution
  • Tax Levies & Liens
  • Wage Garnishment
  • Tax Negotiation & Settlement
  • Reduce IRS Back Taxes
  • Resolve Back Taxes
  • IRS Audit Defense
  • Partial Payment Installment Agreement
  • Payroll Tax Issues
  • Foreign Bank Account Reporting (FBAR)
  • Sales Tax Issues

Resolve Your Tax Debt Now

Don’t let tax debt weigh you down. IOOGO Tax Relief offers tailored solutions to help you achieve financial peace of mind.

Frequently Asked Questions

IRS Notices

Receiving a letter from the IRS can be intimidating, but it’s important to remember that these notices are often routine. Many notices indicate that the IRS needs more information or that there has been a change in your tax situation.

You might receive a notice or letter from the IRS for several reasons, including:

  • You owe a balance on your taxes.
  • There has been a change to your refund.
  • The IRS has a question about your tax return.
  • Your return has been changed or corrected.

To find specific details about your IRS notice or letter, look up the notice by its number or topic. The CP or LTR number can be found in the upper right corner of the letter. As long as you address the issue promptly, there’s no need to worry, and remember, tax professionals are available to help guide you through the process. At IOOGO, we can help with IRS communications and compliance with our Expert Tax Relief Services. Book your free consultation today!

A CP59 notice is sent when the IRS has no record of you filing a prior year’s tax return. This notice asks you to file the missing return or explain why you are not required to file. 

You want to address this quickly to prevent penalties and interest from accruing. IOOGO can get you caught up on all prior tax returns and deal with the IRS with our Expert Tax Relief Services. Book your free consultation today and ask about possible penalty relief!

A CP63 notice indicates that you have taxes owed and the IRS is holding your refund to pay it. This notice requires you to resolve your unpaid tax debt. 

Not addressing a tax obligation will result in increased penalties and interest. At IOOGO, we can help with IRS communications and compliance with our Expert Tax Relief Services. Book your free consultation today and ask about potential penalty relief!

A CP259 notice is sent when a business return is not filed by the due date or when the IRS believes you are required to file a business tax return that they have not received. Missing a tax deadline can result in penalties and interest, so it is important to file the missing return as soon as possible. 

IOOGO can get you caught up on all prior tax returns and deal with the IRS with our Expert Tax Relief Services. Book your free consultation today and ask about possible penalty relief!

A CP3219N notice is a Notice of Deficiency. It means the IRS did not receive your return and calculated the tax, penalty and interest based on wages and other income reported to the IRS. This notice usually follows several notices informing you of missing returns. 

If you disagree with the tax proposed, you are required to file a petition with the Tax Court within 90 days of the date of the notice. At IOOGO, we can help with IRS communications, filings, and compliance with our Expert Tax Relief Services. Book your free consultation today!

A CP2566 and CP2566R notices are sent when the IRS has not received a response to a previous request for a tax return. This notice includes a proposed tax assessment based on information the IRS has. Tax Tip – The IRS’s proposed tax assessment does not always include credits, adjustments, and deductions you may be eligible for resulting  in an increased tax liability. 

Your best course of action here is to file the missing tax return(s) by the deadline in the notice. Don’t wait or you may have to file a petition with the court to correct the return! IOOGO can get you caught up on all prior tax returns and deal with the IRS with our Expert Tax Relief Services. Book your free consultation today!

A CP2501 and CP2000 notice is sent when the income or payment information the IRS has does not match the information you reported on your tax return. CP2501 is the first notice the IRS sends and will detail the income information received. If no reply is received, it will be followed by CP2000, which includes a proposed adjustment to your income, payments, or credits. 

The first thing you want to do is review the notice and confirm the income information. Compare it to your filed tax return and income forms received. You can see all income that is reported to the IRS by requesting your wage and income transcripts. Even if the income is correct, you will want to review for any additional deductions or credits that may now apply.

Respond to the IRS to agree, partially agree, or disagree with the CP2501 or CP2000 notice by the due date listed on your notice. This may require submitting additional documents or a corrected return.

At IOOGO, we can help with IRS communications, filings, and compliance with our Expert Tax Relief Services. Book your free consultation today!

Receiving an IRS notice can be concerning, but know that you are not alone. Beginning in 2024, the IRS resumed collection and reminder notices after taking a pause in 2022. Many of these are automated notices. 

Once you receive a notice from the IRS, prompt action is key. Here’s what you should do:

  1. Read the Notice Carefully: Understand what the IRS is communicating and what they are requesting.
  2. Gather Documentation: Collect any relevant documents and records that pertain to the notice.
  3. Respond Promptly: Follow the instructions on the notice and respond by the deadline.

Ignoring an IRS notice can lead to more serious problems, so it’s important to address the matter as soon as possible. 

At IOOGO, we specialize in Expert Tax Relief Services. Our experienced team will handle the leg work of resolving your tax issue with the IRS, allowing you to focus on your daily life. Don’t navigate this stressful process alone – let IOOGO’s experts take care of everything for you. Book your free consultation today!

Struggling to pay your tax bill can feel overwhelming, but prompt action is key in navigating this process and staying on good terms with the IRS. 

If you can’t pay your tax bill in full, there are different options that may be available to you:

Payment Plans: The IRS provides installment agreements, allowing you to pay your balance over time with manageable monthly payments.

Offer in Compromise: This option allows you to settle your tax debt for less than the full amount owed if you meet certain qualifications.

Currently Not Collectible Status: If you are facing financial hardship, you may be eligible to have your account placed in Currently Not Collectible status, which temporarily delays collection efforts.

Ignoring your tax bill can lead to more serious problems, and you might lose some of the options listed above. It’s important to address the matter as soon as possible.

At IOOGO, we specialize in Expert Tax Relief Services. Our experienced team will work with you and find the optimal approach of clearing your tax debt. Book your free consultation today!

A tax lien is the government’s legal claim against your property when you fail to pay a tax debt after receiving a Notice and Demand for Payment. It protects the government’s interest in all your property, including real estate, personal property, and financial assets. 

The Notice of Federal Tax Lien is filed to alert creditors that the government has a legal right to your property if you fail to meet your tax obligations.

How a Lien Affects You:

  • Assets: You may not be able to sell or transfer assets while the lien is active.
  • Credit: Having a lien on your property can negatively impact your access to credit and loans.
  • Bankruptcy: Filing bankruptcy may not resolve your tax debt or remove the lien.

Don’t panic! A lien, as opposed to a levy, does not take your property or freeze accounts. There are several ways to get rid of a lien, including paying your tax obligation, penalties, and interest in full. Don’t have the money to pay the tax debt? Check out different options available. 

IOOGO is ready to work with you to get the tax lien removed and your tax debt cleared with our Expert Tax Relief Services. Book your free consultation today!

Missing tax records often stop taxpayers from filing late returns or responding to IRS notices, but it shouldn’t. There are ways you can get prior year tax information from the IRS so that you can meet your tax obligations:

  • Request Wage and Income Transcripts: You can get prior year wage and other income information by requesting transcripts from the IRS. This will include all income forms filed by payers in that year, such as wages, retirement, interest, and contractor income reported on a 1099-NEC.
  • Request Tax Return Transcripts: The IRS can provide you with transcripts of prior year tax returns. This can be helpful when confirming the accuracy of a notice received from the IRS.

If you have income that was not reported to the IRS, you can use bank statements or other financial records to estimate missing information. 

Don’t want to deal with the IRS yourself? IOOGO can handle all IRS communications with our Expert Tax Relief Services. Book your free consultation today!

An Offer in Compromise is an agreement between you and the IRS to settle your tax debt for less than the full amount owed. This option may be available to taxpayers who can show proof that they are unable to pay the full tax liability or that paying will create a financial hardship. 

There are several things the IRS looks at to determine if you meet that criteria, such as:

  • Ability to pay
  • Income
  • Expenses
  • Asset Equity

While the offer is processing, there is some relief to the taxpayer:

  • The IRS will suspend collection activities (not including a notice of federal tax lien) 
  • No payments on an existing installment agreement will be required
  • Collection period is extended

If you are able to prove the financial hardship, there are other factors that will determine whether or not you are eligible for the IRS to process your offer. Once the offer is accepted, there are terms that must be met before your tax debt is resolved.

This can be a complicated process, but you don’t have to do it alone. At IOOGO, we specialize in Expert Tax Relief Services. Our experienced team will handle the leg work of applying for an Offer in Compromise with the IRS. Book your free consultation today to see how to get started!

If you owe taxes due to errors made by your spouse on your joint tax return, you might qualify for Innocent Spouse Relief. This relief can free you from paying additional taxes if your spouse understated taxes, and you were unaware of these errors.

  • You filed a joint return with your spouse.
  • The taxes were understated due to errors on the return.
  • You were unaware of the errors.
  • You live in a community property state.


Errors that could lead to understated taxes include unreported income, incorrect deductions or credits, or incorrect asset values. Even if you are divorced or your divorce decree states your spouse is responsible for the taxes, you are both responsible for the tax debt from a joint return.

  • You signed an Offer in Compromise with the IRS.
  • You signed a closing agreement with the IRS covering the same taxes.
  • A court has made a final decision denying you relief.
  • You participated in a related court proceeding and didn’t ask for relief.
  • Exceptions may apply. Check with an IOOGO Tax Pro today!

Once you receive an IRS notice of an audit or taxes due because of an error on your return, you should respond quickly. You must apply for Innocent Spouse Relief within two years of receiving the notice.

Don’t let the anxiety of dealing with the IRS prevent you from getting relief on tax debt that does not belong to you. At IOOGO, we specialize in Expert Tax Relief Services and will handle all necessary IRS filings and communications. Book your free consultation today!

An Installment Agreement is a payment plan that allows taxpayers to pay their tax debt over time in manageable monthly payments instead of paying the full amount owed upfront. This option is available for those who cannot pay their tax bill in full and need a structured plan to settle their debt.

  • Unable to Pay in Full: If you cannot pay your tax debt in full by the due date.
  • Avoid Collection Actions: To prevent more severe collection actions by the IRS.
  • Manage Cash Flow: If you need to manage your cash flow and cannot afford to pay a large sum at once.
  • Manageable Payments: Breaks down your total tax debt into smaller, more affordable monthly payments.
  • Avoid Collection Actions: Helps prevent more aggressive IRS collection actions such as wage garnishments or bank levies.
  • Reduced Penalties: While interest and some penalties still accrue, they may be lower compared to not making any payments.

Expert Tax Relief Services can set up and manage Installment Agreements. Our experienced team will handle the application process and work with the IRS to establish a payment plan that fits your financial situation. Let IOOGO’s experts take care of everything for you. Book your free consultation today!

Currently Not Collectible (CNC) Status is a temporary status that the IRS can grant to taxpayers who are unable to pay their tax debt due to financial hardship. When your account is placed in CNC status, the IRS temporarily suspends collection activities, such as levies and garnishments, because they recognize that you cannot pay both your tax debt and your necessary living expenses.

  • Temporary Relief: CNC status provides temporary relief from IRS collection efforts. However, the debt is not forgiven and interest and penalties will continue to accrue.
  • Eligibility Requirements: To qualify, you must demonstrate that paying your tax debt would prevent you from meeting basic living expenses. This is typically done by providing detailed financial information to the IRS, including income, expenses, and asset information.
  • Review and Re-evaluation: The IRS may periodically review your financial situation to determine if you are still eligible for CNC status. If your financial situation improves, you may be required to start making payments.
  • Relief from Collection Actions: Stops IRS collection activities such as wage garnishments, bank levies, and property seizures.
  • Time to Improve Financial Situation: Allows you time to improve your financial situation without the immediate pressure of IRS collection actions.
  • Interest and Penalties: Even though collection activities are paused, interest and penalties will continue to accrue on your unpaid tax debt.
  • Future Tax Refunds: Any future tax refunds you are entitled to may be applied to your outstanding tax debt.
  • Periodic Review: The IRS will periodically review your financial situation to determine if you still qualify for CNC status.

Expert Tax Relief Services can help you navigate the process of requesting Currently Not Collectible status. We will handle all communications with the IRS and ensure that your financial situation is presented accurately to secure the relief you need. Don’t face this challenge alone – let IOOGO’s experts assist you every step of the way. Book your free consultation today!

Tax representation involves hiring a qualified tax professional, such as an Enrolled Agent (EA), Certified Public Accountant (CPA), or tax attorney, to act on your behalf in dealings with the IRS. These professionals handle various tax issues, including audits, appeals, and collections and are the only professionals eligible to speak on your behalf with the IRS. 

  1. Expertise and Knowledge: Tax representatives have in-depth knowledge of tax laws, regulations, and IRS procedures, ensuring your case is handled correctly and efficiently.
  2. Reduce Stress: A tax representative manages all communications and negotiations with the IRS, alleviating the stress and time commitment for you.
  3. Better Outcomes: Professionals are skilled in negotiating with the IRS and may achieve better results, such as reduced penalties or favorable payment plans.
  4. Protection: A tax representative protects your rights and ensures fair treatment by the IRS.
  5. Focus on Your Life: With a tax representative handling your case, you can concentrate on your daily responsibilities without the added stress of dealing with tax issues.

Fear and anxiety often stop taxpayers from taking the required steps to resolve tax issues, but ignoring a tax notice will not make it go away. In fact, it will escalate the issue and increase tax debt. 

At IOOGO, we specialize in Expert Tax Relief Services and will handle all necessary IRS filings, communications, and make sure you are getting the best outcome for your specific situation. Book your free consultation today!

An Enrolled Agent (EA) is a federally-authorized tax practitioner who has technical expertise in taxation and is empowered by the U.S. Department of the Treasury to represent taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for audits, collections, and appeals. EAs must pass a rigorous examination or have experience as a former IRS employee and complete continuing education to maintain their status.

  • Enrolled Agent: EAs are authorized to represent taxpayers before the IRS in all matters, including audits, collections, and appeals. They have comprehensive knowledge of tax laws and regulations.
  • Tax Preparer: Tax preparers can assist with preparing and filing tax returns but may not have the credentials to represent taxpayers before the IRS in all situations. Tax preparers do not have any requirement to stay up-to-date on tax laws and regulations.

At IOOGO, our team of experienced Enrolled Agents is dedicated to resolving your tax issues efficiently and effectively. Whether you need help with an audit, tax debt resolution, or any other
Expert Tax Relief Services, our EAs are here to provide expert assistance and representation. Book your free consultation today!

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